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Top Dental Health Problems You Might Have

Dental problems are never fun, but there are many practices you can adopt to prevent them. Some of the best and most effective ways to avoid painful dental problems are brushing your teeth twice daily, using dental floss, having a healthy diet and lifestyle, and getting regular dental checkups.

Missing Teeth

Top Dental Health Problems You Might Have

Having a missing tooth can be miserable because it often affects your self-confidence. No matter how well we take care of our teeth, there are sometimes certain unavoidable factors that contribute to tooth loss, such as accidents or aging. Even if a missing tooth is not visible, it can create spaces between your teeth and affect the way you speak and eat. To prevent this problem, consider having a missing tooth replaced with a dental implant, a bridge, or a denture.

Halitosis or Bad Breath

Top Dental Health Problems You Might Have

Bad breath is often off-putting and embarrassing. It can lower self esteem and make conversation awkward. Cavities, gum diseases, and dry mouth are sometimes the result of halitosis. Although using mouthwash might mask the odour, it does not completely eliminate the underlying problem. Only professional dental care and following a doctor’s advice can combat this problem.

Tooth Decay or Cavities

Top Dental Health Problems You Might Have

Tooth decay occurs when the bacteria in plaque settle on the surface of tooth and produce acid. The acid can have a corrosive effect and gradually eat away tooth enamel, laying the groundwork for cavities. The simplest and most practical way to prevent cavities? Brush your teeth and make regular visits to the dentist’s office for examinations and cleanings.


Top Dental Health Problems You Might Have

Periodontitis is caused by an accumulation of plaque in the mouth, which can cause infection on the gums surrounding the teeth. If left untreated, it can lead to tooth loss. Some of the common symptoms for periodontitis are halitosis, swollen and bleeding gums, painful chewing, and sensitive teeth. This problem can be caught early with regular dental checkups.

If you have any of these common dental problems, make sure to visit a reliable dental office to prevent further complications. Ohana Dental Clinic has professional and caring dentists to attend to every dental need. You can contact us at (905) 697-3440 or send an email to for more information.